Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Is Turf Still Relevant ?

A brief article in the December edition of Scientific American by a scientist from the University of WA here in Australia makes the case for abandoning the use of turf / lawn in urban areas, arguing it is too intensive in its use of almost everything in resources, although there are some benefits.

Is this really the case for many modern varieties of warm season turf lines?

We like to think that zoysia does not fit many of the criteria used to knock the use of turf in modern gardens in urban areas.

It does not require a lot of mowing nor does it require much in the way of nitrogen fertiliser, and as well, it is also relatively light on irrigation demand in dry periods.  Yes, it does semi shut down when moisture stressed, but zoysia turf can thrive on much less resources than many other warm season turf species.

Should it be included in the hit list proposed in the article?

I would submit NO.

Read the article and come to your own conclusions.  Scientific American December 2018.

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