Sunday, May 26, 2013

Heirloom Seeds Now Big Business!E28023BC-CC5A-4081-A1E3-F6BB2BCB85FB

This link takes you to a brief video link story from the USA about how a heirloom seed business grew to be a million dollar enterprise with markets selling the seeds world wide.

There is a market for heirloom garden varieties........we all recall those especially great tomato varieties grown many years ago by your grandparents.  Today, they have been replaced in the ordinary market.  however, there are a few who now want to grow these varieties, mostly in the home garden.  Often the older varieties are not as disease resistant, nor maybe as good at storing fresh.  But hey, if grown at home is that a big issue when in most cases it is the taste that is cherished.  Sometimes that is a real issue, other times less so.  But most are suitable for use fresh off the plant.

There are some who have continued to produce the seeds of these heirloom vegetables and flowers, and now they are often seen in speciality shops.  Most are in the US and Europe, but there are few operating in Australia also.  As demand has grown for these seeds, so have they.

This video showcases a quite successful US operation.  Lots of hard work and some independent marketing has helped build the business, and it is a real business.

Is this an opportunity as well?

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