Monday, May 28, 2007

New Wave of Soil Inoculants Coming to Australian Agriculture

Most Australian farmers have used legume inoculants, commonly in a peat carrier. Whether sowing a legume crop such as soybeans, or pastures including centurion cv Cavalcade or Bundy or even the old standby of cowpeas. There are a wider range of options in this market today, with some liquid formulations making inroads into the traditional peat formulations, at least in cropping regions.

However, the newer options are likely to include a wider range of microbiologically active soil based additives, but still including better legume inoculants.

Under development are products that may assist with mobilisation of stored soil phosphorus, materials that are antagoniostic to existing soil borne diseases, and hence control these problems, plus the more widely used legume active rhizobia that fixes nitrogen for the plant.

This edition of Harvest Radio from the GRDC web site discusses the latest developments in soil inoculant research. Sandy Gleddie (Philom Bios) outlines some of the new developments in the pipeline for soil inoculants aimed to boost plant productivity. David Herridge (NSW DPI) also outlines some of new formulations of inoculants available to industry.

For more information contact: Sandy Gleddie, Philom Bios, 08 8303 7142 David Herridge, NSW DPI Tamworth, 02 6763 1143

The direct link is: Listen to Soil Inoculants [mp3, 2.44MB, 6:05 min]

This can be listened to on your PC, if audio enabled, or downloaded as an MP3 file for later listening.

Whle all this is being developed for temperate Australia, and crops in that region, it is likely that once again, northern regions of Australia may not see these for many years.

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